For Christian students and faculty, the university can be a lonely place.
IDEALLY, the university should be a place where the free exchange of ideas fosters intellectual growth and the individual maturity of each individual. On many campuses, however, a sharp dividing line is drawn between rational thought and personal faith. The biblical worldview of man as a holistic being – both spiritual and material - is not welcome or considered relevant. Such an environment can lead many Christians to conclude that their faith has no relevance for their studies or their work, and may actually cause them to walk away from their faith entirely.
The Center For Christian Thought at UNC-W exists to help students, faculty and staff think and live as Christians within the life of the university while developing a biblical worldview that will allow them to flourish as Christ followers throughout their lives.
We invite Christians to respond to the fragmentation of the college campus by living more integrated lives and exploring the riches of the Christian faith in ways that connect their faith with their work as students, faculty, and future professionals.
In short, we want to be salt and light for the UNC-W community – modeling a Christian vision of a whole, integrated life for students, faculty, and community members in ways that contribute to the common good of the entire university community and the greater Wilmington area.

It all starts with showing the love of Christ. By building and staffing a comfortable “hospitality house” adjacent to the campus, and within yards of on campus university housing, we will provide a safe and accepting place for Christian students to relax, study and gather with other Christians for fellowship. Various sized meeting rooms will accommodate campus Christian groups and local churches already reaching onto the campus for ministry.

We will offer opportunities for students and faculty to be transformed by the renewing of their mind as they consider the truth and integrity of the Christian faith at UNCW. We intend to offer seminars and reading groups, 1 to 1 discipleship, Christian study resources and public events. By the 2nd full year year of operation we plan to begin a more in depth Fellows program to provide a foundation of systematic theology for those students desiring to go deeper in their knowledge and faith.

Recognizing that real spiritual transformation is a work of the Holy Spirit, we will encourage students to pursue a life of abiding in Christ and communing with Him as the source of living water. This will usually happen through staff mentoring, leadership training, and regular conversations about hard questions.